Extracurricular Activities
Royal Rangers
The Royal Rangers program is for children of all ages. Through group games and activities they learn and practice: protecting the nature, being one with it, supporting and accepting each other, working in teams, and understanding and helping people in need. They learn Christian values, based on Biblical principles, which help them understand that without those values you cannot build a strong team, support one another, and help those who are in need.

Traffic Safety Training
Road accidents are a daily problem in Albania due to a lack of proper training on how to drive safely. That is why, in cooperation with the Bavarian Police, we created this road safety project for children and young people to learn the rules of the road, how to be safe as pedestrians and drive responsibly to protect others. Not only our own pupils receive intensive training, but also classes from public schools in the district and remote mountain villages. We have trained staff who coordinate and lead the courses. Each school year about 600 children take part in the program.
As part of the larger business@school initiative from the Boston Consulting Group, we host the Pogradec district of this project. The aim of the project is to help high school students get a first taste of business. In three stages, the students analyze businesses (both a large and small), develop their own idea and business plan, and then finally present their results in a competition in front of a panel of judges.

Music & Art
We provide specialized courses that focus on the artistic side of our pupils. Classes in woodworking, sculpting, painting, drawing, drama, piano, violin, and more, help students discover their passions and give them a more rounded educational experience.
Food Distribution Program
Our school partners together with local businesses help some of the poorer families in our community. The students go to different businesses to raise funds and purchase food. They then work with the social workers of Nehemiah Gateway Albania to distribute it to those with the greatest needs.

Social Awareness Program
Students from the 7th and 9th grades participate in a project that helps them learn how to serve others. In small groups, they are appointed to different offices around our campus and help with the work.
Performance Events
Every month, the school organizes events for the students to showcase what they have been learning. Many classes gather together to listen to their fellow students recite, play music, sing songs, perform plays, and more.